We'll be updating this page as issues arise. If you still have a question or problem, feel free to drop us a note and we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

General Tips
Video Playback Issues
Adding a Profile Picture
Tips for Peer Dharma Buddies

General Trouble Shooting Tips

Having technical issues? This is rare, but it does happen. Try these steps first: log out and log back in again. Try switching web browsers or restarting your computer. If you still have issues, please email us.

The videos won't play, are real grainy, or the image jumps

This is most likely due to slow internet speeds. We recommend a minimum speed of at least 3.0 Mbps. (You can test your speed here.) If your speed is less than 2.0 Mbps, you may want to watch the videos from a location with faster internet. You can also try pausing the video and allowing it to 'load', then come back to it in a few minutes.

How do I add a Profile Picture?

First, we apologize for the complexity of this process. There are way more steps than we'd prefer! To add your profile picture:
  1. Login to Next Step Dharma. (If you're already logged in and don't see a generic" person" icon in the upper left, click the little yellow circle in the upper right to go back to your course dashboard.)
  2. Click the generic person icon, then click "Edit Profile" (see image to right)
  3. Under "Profile Image", click "Create Gravatar Account" (see image to right). 
  4. If you have a Wordpress account, sign in. If not, click "Create your own Gravatar." Create an account, and look for an email from "Wordpress.com..." with the subject line "Activate..." Open the email and click the blue "Activate Account" button.
  5. You'll be redirected back to a Wordpress.com site. Click "Sign in to Gravatar" and login with the user account info you just created.
  6. NOTE: you must create your Gravatar account with the same email address you use for Next Step Dharma.
  7. It will say "Whoops, looks like you don't have any images yet!" Click the blue text "Add one by clicking here."
  8. Click "Upload New" if you have a photo you want to use, or "Webcam" if you'd like to take one.
  9. Click "Browse" to navigate to the picture on your computer, then click "Next."
  10. Adjust the size, click "Crop and Finish."
  11. Last Step: Be sure to "Choose a Rating" for your photo and set it to "G" rating. Then, log out of Gravatar/Word Press, then head back to Next Step Dharma. We know... it's way too complicated!
Image 2: Edit Profile
Image 3: Create Gravatar

Tips for Buddy Conversations

We recommend buddies talk on the phone or via video chat once a week as your schedule permits. Here are our suggested guidelines:
  • Spend the first call getting to know one another. Take turns sharing about your life, your work, how you find the Dharma, etc.
  • On the second call and going forward, take turns formally sharing/listening. We suggest talking for about 30 minutes. Take the first few minutes to say hi and catch up a little. Then take turns sharing about your practice for 10 minutes, then wrap up for the last five minute.
  • During those 10 minutes of sharing, the idea is that one person is the focus. They share about anything that’s current in their life — from formal meditation practice, to informal practice during the day, from personal to work related topics. Basically, discuss anything that you wants to explore through the lens of Dharma.
  • The other person is mostly focused on listening and offering support through presence, empathy, and — if requested — brainstorming / strategies. Keep your focus on the person who’s sharing. So, rather than talking about yourself or something similar you’ve experienced, give the other person your full attention and try to sense what might be useful.
  • Often the most helpful thing is just listening and offering your understanding for their experience. If you have ideas that might be helpful check first if that would be supportive before giving advice. We often underestimate the value of just listening and allowing someone to feel heard. Be mindful of the tendency to give advice, problem solve, or strategize to try to "fix" the other person's situation.
  • Take risks. The more open and authentic you are, the more nourishing and rich the relationship usually is.

Feel free to drop us a note if any questions come up about how to use the calls. If you'd like to find a buddy, post a request on the private Next Step Dharma Facebook group.